Natural Family Planning

Have you ever considered learning about Natural Family Planning?

Natural Family Planning is a morally sound and highly effective method for couples to manage their fertility in a way that respects God and each other. Instead of wrestling with their fertility or working against it; couples are trained to understand, and then cooperate with, their naturally occurring fertility signals in order to make informed and prayerful decisions regarding the growth of their family.

Natural Family Planning is a modern, scientifically proven method which seeks to identify the naturally occurring changes a woman’s body goes through during the window of fertility in each cycle. Based upon their observations, couples are empowered to act accordingly, to either seek pregnancy or avoid it for the time being.

Couples who incorporate NFP into their lives experience many benefits not limited to the following:

  • Better communication between spouses
  • Increased respect for each other
  • Peace of mind, heart and body
  • Increased awe and wonder at the potential of fertility
  • A deeper appreciation for children

Some of the other benefits of Natural Family Planning are:

  • It is extremely effective.
  • It is green. It is all natural, completely safe and there are no harmful side effects.
  • It is morally sound and completely consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • It is virtually free and very easy to learn and practice.
  • It is useful throughout a woman’s reproductive years including breastfeeding, peri-menopause, post-partum.
  • It is custom tailored to each individual woman’s cycle, regular or irregular.



Celebrate NFP Awareness Week!

Love Beyond Measure, July 21 – 27, 2024

Our Catholic belief celebrates human sexuality and conjugal love, and honors responsible parenthood. This July 21-27, celebrate God’s wondrous design for marriage and family by learning more about Catholic teaching on marriage, sexuality, and Natural Family Planning, and celebrate the anniversary of the groundbreaking encyclical by Pope St. Paul VI, Humanae Vitae (July 25).

Click here for additional resources and to learn more!
