Archdiocesan Offices

The Archbishop

The Office of the Archbishop is charged with supporting the ministry and service of the Archbishop of Washington.


The Archives safeguards the instruments and written documents which pertain to the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Archdiocese (Can. 486 §2).

Carroll Media

Secretariat for Communications

Publishes the official archdiocesan newspaper, and El Pregonero, the metro area’s oldest Spanish language newspaper, as well as their websites.


Secretariat for Catechesis

The Secretariat for Catechesis supports religious education programs in parishes and schools.

Canonical Services/Tribunal

Grants marriage dispensations, approves files to be sent to other dioceses and assists with canonical questions that arise in parishes or agencies of the archdiocese.

Child & Youth Protection

Implements and ensures compliance with the archdiocesan Child Protection Policy; point of entry for victims of abuse; assures that appropriate services are provided.


Secretariat for Communications

The Secretariat for Communications was created as part of a focus in the archdiocese on the “New Evangelization,” encouraging Catholics who participate in the Church to reinvigorate their own faith and invite others whose faith has grown stale to reconnect and rediscover Christ. It includes the Office of Media and Public Relations, Office of Digital Media, Office of Multimedia Production and Carroll Media.

Consecrated Life

Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership

Liaison between the archbishop and women and men religious, members of secular institutes and persons in other forms of consecrated life; a resource for canonical, spiritual, personal and professional assistance to communities or their members; and a contact for women discerning a vocation in consecrated life. Coordinates the Retirement Fund for Religious.

Cultural Diversity & Outreach

Advancing the unity of the Body of Christ through supporting the apostolic works of the Archdiocese of Washington in its evangelization, planning, coordination, ministry, and outreach in relation to the various racial, ethnic, and cultural communities within its pastoral care.

Deaf and Disabilities Ministry

Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Pastoral care and sacramental preparation for Catholics who have special needs, are deaf or hard of hearing, blind or deaf and blind, physically or developmentally disabled.


Secretariat for Development

Coordinates archdiocesan development and fundraising efforts and oversees the Annual Appeal, parish resource development, planned giving, major donors, grant writing and more.


Secretariat for Education

The Archdiocese of Washington has a long and faith-filled history of passing on Christ’s Gospel from generation to generation through Catholic education, which has brought hope to tens of thousands of lives.


Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Advances the Church’s evangelizing mission through direct parish support and initiatives.

Family Life

Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Provides programs, training and resources for parish family life efforts, as well as regional marriage preparation, leader training and instruction on Natural Family Planning.


The Office of Finance, comprised of the offices of Finance, Information Technology and Parish and School Operations, provides service and leadership in the management of the temporal goods, information technology and the care of lay employees in furtherance of the mission of the Church.

General Counsel

The Office of the General Counsel advises and assists the Archdiocese and its parishes and schools on civil legal issues.

Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources is responsible for the administration of benefits, employment policies, compliance and Catholic Identity for the lay employees of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington.

Life Issues

Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Promotes respect for human life and dignity from conception to natural death through support and programs, including advocacy, education, pastoral care and prayer devoted to the sanctity of human life. Also promotes chastity education.

Moderator of the Curia

The office of the Moderator of the Curia coordinates the exercise of the administrative duties and provides oversight of the offices of the Central Pastoral Administration in support of the work of the Archbishop of Washington.

Permanent Diaconate

Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership

Identifies and prepares men academically and spiritually for ministry as deacons, provides ongoing educational and spiritual support, makes recommendations on ministry and assignments and deals with concerns on pastoral effectiveness.

Priesthood Vocations

Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership

The Office of Priest Vocations assists those who are discerning a call to follow Jesus in the sacred priesthood, as one of his closest collaborators in his continuing mission on earth to lead and sanctify his people and draw them towards their homeland in heaven.

Project Rachel Ministry

Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Post-abortion healing ministry offers one-on-one referrals to priests and deacons to professional Catholic counselors for emotional and psychological healing as well as group healing events. The ministry services are available in English and Spanish to anyone affected by an abortion decision, including couples who faced adverse prenatal diagnosis and terminated the pregnancy.

Social Concerns

Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Supports programs and activities that promote an understanding of Catholic Social Teaching, foster the social mission of the Church and work for the common good.


Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership

Oversees the Liturgical Norms and Policies of the Archdiocese of Washington. Promotes liturgical formation and celebration in parish communities; provides formation for liturgical ministers, such as Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. The Office assists with planning liturgies and ceremonies for bishops, diocesan offices and special events.

Young Adult Ministry

Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

The vision of Young Adult Ministry is to connect young adults to Jesus Christ, the Church, the mission of the Church in the world, and our peers. The office hosts social, spiritual and service opportunities for young adults throughout the year.

Youth Ministry and CYO

Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

The Office of Youth Ministry/Catholic Youth Organization (OYM/CYO) seeks to help young people find true happiness by coming to know and love Jesus Christ in His Church.