Smarter Ways to Give
We gratefully accept support online, by mail, and over the phone! If you would like to make an immediate gift via your credit or debit card, click on the donate button below:
Stocks/Bonds | Charitable IRA Transfers (QCDs) | Gifts that Pay You Income | Gifts in a Will | Donor Advised Funds | Cryptocurrency | Employer matching gifts | Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
Below is the information that you may be asked to provide by the custodian or administrator for your retirement account, charitable fund, or stockbroker for several of these smarter ways to give.
Our Legal Name
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington, a Corporation Sole, and His Successors in Office
Doing Business As (d/b/a)
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington or
Archdiocese of Washington, Roman Catholic
Our Employer Identification Number (EIN): 53-0196550
Contact Us:
- Mailing Address
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Office of Development
P.O. Box 29260
Washington, DC 20017-0260
Physical Address
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Office of Development
5001 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20782
Office of Development
- Joseph Gillmer, CFRE, CSPG, CAP
Executive Director of Development
(301) 853-5375
[email protected]
Stocks/Bonds/Mutual Funds
Gifts of long-term (held more than a year) appreciated stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are a smarter way to give because they provide a potential double benefit: You will be eligible for both a charitable tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the day you transfer, and you may not be responsible for taxes on any gains from the time you acquired them. To make a gift of stock to the church, please provide the following to your broker to initiate the transfer and provide the Stock transfer form (PDF) to the Archdiocese of Washington’s contact, Joseph Gillmer at Firm to Transfer Securities to:
Morgan Stanley
DTC Number: 0015
Account Number: 504-049332-066
Important note to send with transfer:
- Your name and
- Program/Ministry you want you want your gift to support(e.g., Annual Catholic Services Appeal, Retired Priest Collection, For the Benefit of X Parish)
Archdiocese of Washington Contact: Joseph Gillmer, Executive Director of Development
(301) 853-5375 | [email protected]
Morgan Stanley Contact: Barbara Smallwood
(202) 292-5482 | eFax: (202) 459-9608 |[email protected]
Charitable IRA Transfers (QCDs)
If you are age 70 1/2 or older, you can transfer up to $108,000 per year directly from your Traditional or Roth IRA account as a qualified charitable distribution (QCD)!
- This smart way to give may satisfy a portion or all of your annual required minimum distribution (RMD) and serves as a tax-free distribution when directly transferred to a 501c3 tax-exempt organization. This type of gift may also save you on taxes even if you do not itemize!
- Further, beginning in 2023, people who are age 70½ and older may elect to up to $50,000 as a one-time gift to help fund a charitable remainder trust or a charitable gift annuity. This amount would also count toward the annual required minimum distribution (RMD), if applicable. See Gifts that Pay You Income below!
Steps to Complete a Charitable IRA Transfer:
Contact your IRA plan custodian and provide the following information to verify you are giving to the correct Archdiocese of Washington:
- Our Legal Name: Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington, a Corporation Sole, and His Successors in Office
- d/b/a: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
- Employer Identification Number (EIN): 53-0196550
- Ask that the check be made payable to “Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington” and include your name and the program/ministry you are supporting (e.g., Annual Catholic Services Appeal) on the check stub or check memo line.
- Have your custodian mail your IRA gift to:
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Office of Development
P.O. Box 29260
Washington, DC 20017-0260
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Important Notes on Charitable IRA Transfer Gifts
- Double check with your custodian to confirm the correct Church has been selected. The Orthodox Church in America also has an “Archdiocese of Washington, DC.” Often, the first record that appears when “Archdiocese of Washington” is entered into the databases that custodians use to verify an organization is a 501c3 tax-exempt charity is the Orthodox Church in America’s record (and without a notation that it is the Orthodox Church).
- Ask the custodian to confirm our EIN back to you (53-0196550),
- Our mailing address, and
- The payable line includes “Roman Catholic” in front of Archdiocese of Washington.
- If you make gifts directly using a custodian-provided IRA checkbook, please be sure to mail your gift to us before December 1. This is particularly important, as the IRS has a special rule for IRA gifts made through a personal IRA checkbook: The check must be deposited by the charity by December 31 – not just received by the charity – to count toward RMD requirements for the calendar year.
- This way of giving only applies to Traditional or Roth IRAs. Retirement plans, such as the 401k, 403b, and others, unfortunately, will not count as a qualified charitable distribution. If you make a gift from a 401k, 403b, or other retirement plans, you will be eligible for a charitable tax deduction, but you will also realize the income of the distribution.
Gifts that PAY YOU income
Did you know that there are ways to give to the Church that also provides a tax deduction, pays income for a specified number of years or for life – all while knowing that the gift will make a legacy impact for future generations? It’s true! The most common of these income-producing gifts include:
- Charitable Remainder Trusts: Qualified trusts established by the donor that produces income for a number of years or lifetime with the proceeds transferring to one or more Church programs or other charitable institutions.
- Charitable Gift Annuities: A simple annuity agreement between a donor and The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington that pays income to the donor and/or spouse for life. Note: The suggested annual payout rates have increased for charitable gift annuities over the last year. Call Joe Gillmer at (301) 853-5375 or email [email protected] to learn more or get started!
Gifts in a will
Make a gift to the Church in your will and ensure your values are remembered for future generations of the faithful! If you have included your parish, Catholic School, and/or the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington and ministries in your will, let us know by calling Joe Gillmer at (301) 853-5375 or by emailing [email protected] so we may honor you with induction into the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington’s Ave Maria Legacy Society.
If you are planning to make a gift to the Church in your will, below is sample language to share with your estate planning attorney to be sure your intentions will be made and strengthen the Church for future generations!
Please include the beneficiary ministry, program, parish, or school in the blank of the example language below. The most common archdiocesan ministry programs include:
- “Greatest Needs of the Church”
- Annual Catholic Services Appeal (formerly “Annual Appeal” or “Cardinal’s Appeal”)
- Retired Priests Collection
- Catholic Education and Tuition Assistance Programs
- Needy Parish Fund
- Community Food Security Program (Parish and School Food Pantry and Meals programs)
- Vocations, Seminarians, and Consecrated Life Support
- Laudato Si’ Action Plan and Sustainability Projects (parish grants for sustainability programs and building efficiency projects at the Pastoral Center)
- Life-affirming and Civil Dialogue Programs and grants
- Propagation of the Faith (Missions)
- Youth / CYO, Young Adults, and Campus Ministries
- Disaster Relief Fund
If the beneficiary is a parish, school, or Catholic institution affiliated with The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, please include both the name and physical address.
Examples of Catholic institutions affiliated with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington include:
- Roman Catholic Churches and Schools in Washington, DC and the surrounding Maryland Counties of Montgomery, Prince George’s, Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary’s.
- The Catholic Education Foundation of the Archdiocese of Washington (CEF)
- Forward in Faith Trust
- The Consortium of Catholic Academies (CCA)
- Ann’s Center for Children, Youth, and Families
- Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
- Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
- Catholic Information Center
- Victory Youth Center, Inc.
- Victory Housing, Inc.
- Archbishop Carroll High School
- Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School
If your gift is to be a specific amount of cash, securities, or tangible personal property:
“I give, bequeath and devise ___________ dollars ($ _______) and/or _______ property and/or ______ shares of my ________ stock to the “Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington, a Corporation Sole, and His Successors in Office” (d/b/a The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington), EIN/Tax ID No. 53-0196550, located at 5001 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20782, for the benefit of __________.”
If your gift is to be 100% of your residuary estate:
“All of the rest, residue and remainder of my property and estate, including any lapsed or disclaimed legacies of any character, whenever acquired and wherever situated, to which I or my estate may be in any manner entitled at the time of my death, including any property or estate as to which I may have any power of disposition or appointment (all of which is my “residuary estate”), shall be disposed of as follows:
I give, bequeath and devise my residuary estate in fee simple absolute to the “Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington, a Corporation Sole, and His Successors in Office” (d/b/a The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington), EIN/Tax ID No. 53-0196550, located at 5001 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20782, for the benefit of __________.”
If your gift is to be a percentage of your residuary estate:
“All of the rest, residue and remainder of my property and estate, including any lapsed or disclaimed legacies, of any character, whenever acquired and wherever situated, to which I or my estate may be in any manner entitled at the time of my death, including any property or estate as to which I may have any power of disposition or appointment (all of which is my “residuary estate”), shall be disposed of as follows:
I give, bequeath and devise _____ percent ( ___%) of my residuary estate in fee simple absolute to the “Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington, a Corporation Sole and His Successor in Office” (d/b/a The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington), EIN/Tax ID No. 53-0196550, located at 5001 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20782, for the benefit of __________.”
If your gift is to be real estate property:
“I hereby direct my [executor/executrix/personal representative] to sell my real estate located at [address/city/state], and give the net sales proceeds to the “Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington, a Corporation Sole, and His Successors in Office” (d/b/a The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington), EIN/Tax ID No. 53-0196550, located at 5001 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20782, for the benefit of __________.”
Donor Advised Funds
We accept donations from Donor Advised Funds for any ministry program of the Church!
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington’s tax identification number (EIN) is 53-0196550. When completing your grant recommendation, please match our EIN to your request, as we are often confused with other institutions that use “Archdiocese of Washington” in their names, such as the Orthodox Church in America’s “Archdiocese of Washington, DC.”
Please have your provider include your name and what you want your gift to support included on the check memo line or as part of the check stub.
Please have your provider mail your gift to:
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Office of Development
P.O. Box 29260
Washington, DC 20017-0260
If your provider is having difficulty finding us, our legal name is “Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington, a Corporation Sole, and His Successors in Office.”
We also hold two d/b/a: “Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington” and “Archdiocese of Washington, Roman Catholic.”
NEW! We have a tool to search for your donor advised fund that may make it easier for you to complete your grant recommendation. Try it!
If you have questions about making a gift from your donor advised fund, please contact Joe Gillmer at (301) 853-5375 or [email protected].
If you are looking for ways to minimize taxes on your crypto investments and help the mission and ministries of the Church, consider making gifts of cryptocurrency.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) treats cryptocurrency as property. Therefore, if you have bought and held cryptocurrency for more than one year before donating, your gift could be eligible for an itemized charitable deduction for the fair market value of the cryptocurrency at the time of contribution. Further, if you are donating appreciated cryptocurrency, you may avoid capital gains taxes on the cryptocurrency you donate.
The Archdiocese of Washington has partnered with the cryptocurrency donation platform Engiven to make it easy for you to instantly donate to dozens of cryptocurrencies and to support a wide variety of ministries. We provide IRS 8282/8283 forms and appraisals at no cost to you. To learn more about using Crypto to give and the security protocols The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington and Engiven have in place to protect your charitable gift transfer, click on the FAQ button below.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
Employees and Retirees of the U.S. Federal Government, active military, United States Postal Service, Federal Government Contractors can support the Archdiocese of Washington’s Annual Catholic Services Appeal (#71625) through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)!
To give through CFC, please visit and search for “Archdiocese of Washington, Roman Catholic” or enter #71625. You may also search for us by our EIN: 53-0196550.
Employer Matching Gifts
Did you know that tens of thousands of companies offer to match charitable gifts their employees make each year? If your company has a matching gift program, you may be able to enhance or even DOUBLE the impact of your gift to the Church!
The Archdiocese of Washington works with Double the Donation’s service that makes it easy for you to check to see if your company matches charitable gifts. If you do not see your company in the search, contact your Human Resources department and inquire about matching gifts.
Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by Double the Donation.