Annual Catholic Services Appeal
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Romans 15:13 “Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring.”
Pope Francis’ words, taken from “Spes non Confundit” (“Hope Does Not Disappoint”), the decree for this Jubilee Year 2025, are as simple as they are powerful and profound. The Holy Father goes on to challenge each of us: “During the Holy Year, we are called to be tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardship of any kind.”
As we embark upon this Jubilee Year, with its theme of “Pilgrims of Hope,” I remain deeply grateful for the many ways you have shared the gift of hope through your selfless support of the work of our Archdiocese of Washington. Your kindness has impacted countless lives. In light of this Holy Year, which must permeate every facet of our lives as people of faith, I have selected a related theme for our 2025 Annual Catholic Services Appeal: “Spirit of Hope”
The impact of your generosity is evident throughout our Archdiocese. In 2024, you made possible the ordinations of sixteen new priests — our largest class in more than 60 years — while also providing formation for 64 seminarians. More than 1,300 individuals were welcomed into the Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), and 26,000 students in 90 Catholic schools received an education grounded in faith and excellence. These ministries are living expressions of the Spirit of Hope with which we have been blessed.
Our goal of $12,000,000 this year reflects the increasing needs of those we serve. I ask that you prayerfully consider making a gift today. Through your generosity, we can continue to share the Spirit of Hope that can only come from Christ with a world that cries out desperately for it.
Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your support. May God bless you abundantly for your kindness and your care.
2025 Annual Catholic Services Appeal Goal: $12 million
The Annual Catholic Services Appeal provides critical funding for more than 70 ministries active across The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington. Your gift will have a broad and lasting impact for thousands in our local communities of faith.

Vocations, Seminarian Education and Clergy and Religious Support
By donating to the Appeal, you support our current and future generations of archdiocesan priests, deacons and religious. Seminarian education is the greatest beneficiary of the Appeal, with funds also providing for essential living expenses at the St. John Paul II Seminary in Washington, D.C. For ordained priests and ministers, ongoing formation and other means of support are provided by the Appeal.

Catholic Education and Catechesis
Forming youth in the faith through our Catholic schools, parish religious education programs and many youth activities is an essential ministry of the archdiocese supported by your Appeal gift. Overall, more than 40,000 local youth are impacted by your support. The Appeal also supports RCIA and RCIC programs, accompanying new Catholics in their journey toward full communion in the Church.

Parish, Family and Life Ministries
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington Office of Life Issues celebrates the Gospel of Life across many initiatives, from Project Rachel and supporting local crisis pregnancy centers, to youth outreach and public advocacy. Through the Office of Family Life, the archdiocese also supports marriages and families through workshops, trainings, retreats, healing ministries and other forms of outreach.

Chaplains for Campus Ministries, Hospitals and Prisons
Across six local campus ministries, ADW chaplains ignite the spiritual life of hundreds of college students, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, through formational and service activities. At the same time, ADW chaplains also minister to the sick and dying in hospitals, as well as to those incarcerated in local detention centers. Thanks to our chaplains, the sacramental life of our archdiocese extends well beyond our parishes.

Social Justice and Outreach Ministries
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns extends the outreach of our parishes through Deaf and disabilities ministries, evangelization programs, ethnic apostolates and more. The Appeal also supports Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, which operates nearly 60 programs opening doors of help and hope.

Communications and Digital Evangelization
Social media and other forms of digital outreach increasingly form the “mission fields” of the modern Church. By supporting the Appeal, you enable our archdiocese to utilize these tools of evangelization and communication more effectively and expansively. You also empower our writers and editors, reporters, photographers and videographers from across the archdiocese to share the good news and works of our local Church.
Statement of Accountability: 100% of your donation to the Annual Catholic Services Appeal is restricted to the programs and ministries above that are a part of the Appeal and will not be used for any other purpose.
Contact Us:
[email protected]
Annual Catholic Services Appeal
P.O. Box 29260
Washington, DC 20017-0260