Advent Reflection: God Created the Light

Advent: God Created the Light by Carol Ries

God created the light, and God saw that it was good.

“Glory to God in the Highest”

By Sister Carol Ries – Holy Names of Jesus and Mary

I ventured into the early morning darkness to retrieve the morning paper which had been tossed onto our front lawn. As l picked it up l scanned the sky, so clear in the darkness was the crescent moon and a planet, Venus? I believe. GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! What a beautiful gift to begin my day. I was awe-struck and comforted by the peaceful, quiet scene before me. Jesus is here, I said to myself, and to Jesus.

As I walked back to the front door I reflected on the question: What if it was cloudy this morning; would I see the moon and planet? Of course not: however, they would still be there. As Jesus is still there when I can’t “see” him.
Isn’t this what Advent is about? Waiting for the clouds to go away so we can see the Light we have been waiting for — Emmanuel — God with us.

This Advent let us be hopeful and move those clouds to find Jesus despite the evil that might overshadow and overwhelm us: the clouds of war, racism, divisions, floods and fires, dying children, gun violence, homelessness, suicide… What of these evils “breaks your heart,” Sister Simone Campbell RSCJ asks us. Bringing about the kingdom is why Jesus, the Incarnate One, came. It is he whom we welcome to teach us how to live.

What star calls for your action and maybe your change this Advent? Like the wise women, let your light shine on the Way during this Advent journey. Join other people of good will, and bring light and love, justice and peace, as Jesus did, to our world, our country, our neighborhoods, our families, and ourselves. If not now, when?

When you light your Advent wreath each day recommit yourself to what “breaks your heart,“ and let this little light of yours shine on the mountaintop, not under a bushel. Others will see your light and light their light. Let us not minimize what one act of kindness can do for another: a smile to the clerk, a letter written to your Congress person, one angry word not said as you bite your tongue, one donation sent to your chosen cause for justice. Pray. Study. Act.

Holy One, “As we look around us and see a world where many people stand unconnected and alone, move us to compassion, move us to solidarity. When we consider the enormity of pain and injustice in the world, be with us as we join our strength (and talents) with others, so that we may bring about your reign of peace.” In Jesus’s name, Amen.

“and on Earth Peace to All!”