News and Press Releases

Archdiocese of Washington Statement on the New Executive Order in the District of Columbia

Pope Francis Names Washington Auxiliary Bishop Michael W. Fisher Bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo

Vea cuando el Cardenal-Designado Gregory es elevado al Colegio Cardenalicio

Watch as Cardinal-Designate Gregory is Elevated to The College of Cardinals 

New Statement from Cardinal-Designate Wilton D. Gregory on the Vatican “McCarrick” Report

Declaración del Cardenal Designado S. Em. Wilton Gregory sobre el “Informe McCarrick” del Vaticano

Statement from Cardinal-Designate Wilton Gregory on the Vatican “McCarrick Report”

El Papa Francisco nombra Cardenal al Arzobispo Mons. Wilton Gregory

Pope Francis Names Archbishop Wilton Gregory a Cardinal

Archdiocese of Washington Celebrates Annual White Mass in Gratitude for those with Special Needs

Pope Francis Names Archdiocesan Priest Father William D. Byrne as Bishop of Springfield

La Misa Roja para los magistrados de la Corte Suprema, jueces y funcionarios gubernamentales se celebrará el 4 de octubre

Red Mass for Supreme Court Justices, Judges, and Government Officials to Be Held on October 4

“Angels Unawares” Sculpture To Be Blessed and Installed at The Catholic University of America as part of World Day for Migrants and Refugees

Two Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Washington Receive 2020 National Blue Ribbon Distinction

Dos escuelas católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Washington reciben el Premio Nacional “Blue Ribbon” en 2020

Archdiocese to Participate in Day of Prayer and Fasting for Racial Justice on September 9

Archbishop Gregory to Celebrate Mass Commemorating 57th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington

La Oficina de Escuelas Católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Washington emite directrices de reapertura: Adelante juntos en la fe

Archdiocese of Washington Catholic Schools Office Releases Reopening Guidelines, Onward Together In Faith