News and Press Releases

Statement from The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington on the anti-Semitic vandalism at George Washington University

Cardinal Gregory to Celebrate October 17 Mass To Open the 2021-2023 Synod in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington

El Cardenal Gregory celebrará la Misa de apertura del Sínodo 2021-2023 el 17 de octubre en la Arquidiócesis Católica Romana de Washington

Misa Roja a celebrarse el 3 de octubre para los magistrados de la Corte Suprema, jueces y funcionarios de gobierno

Misa del 3 de octubre para celebrar la vida y toda la creación de Dios

Mass October 3 to Celebrate Life and All God’s Creation

Red Mass for Supreme Court Justices, Judges and Government Officials to be Held October 3

Arquidiócesis lanza nuevo Plan de Acción Local Laudato Si’ para proteger el planeta

Archdiocese Launches New Laudato Si’ Local Action Plan for Protecting the Planet

Father Mel Ayala to Become Director of Liturgy at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Cardinal Gregory to Celebrate Mass for First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Media Advisory: Couples To Renew Marriage Vows at Annual Jubilarian Mass

Cardinal Gregory to Ordain One Man to the Priesthood, Seven to the Transitional Diaconate on Saturday

Declaración conjunta de los Obispos de la Provincia de Baltimore y de la Arquidiócesis de Washington sobre levantamiento de la dispensa general de asistir a Misa

Joint Statement of Bishops of the Province of Baltimore and the Archdiocese of Washington Lifts General Mass Dispensation

Archdiocese of Washington Announces Easing of COVID-19 Restrictions at Masses

Segmento grabado de la videoconferencia del Papa Francisco

Recorded Segment of Pope Francis Videoconference Available

El Papa Francisco dialogará con el Cardenal Gregory y estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Arzobispo Carroll por videoconferencia en vivo

UPDATED: Pope Francis to Speak with Cardinal Gregory, Archbishop Carroll High School Students in Live Videoconference