Secretariat for Communications
The Secretariat for Communications is a ministry that promotes and supports the work of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington – in our parishes and schools and in our many community outreach efforts across the District of Columbia and in Maryland – in proclaiming the Good News, in teaching our Catholic faith, and as a visible sign of God’s love and compassion.
Working proactively and collaboratively, our team of talented writers and editors, social media developers, designers, reporters, photographers, and videographers from across the archdiocese use today’s tools and technologies to meet the people of the vibrant and diverse Church of Washington and the broader community where they are – online and in person – and help them to encounter Jesus and inspire them to proclaim the Good News: that Christ is alive in our world and will make all things new again.
We are committed to building our Catholic community by connecting people with the sacraments, supporting pastors in strengthening parish life, and assisting each person to discern their unique role and God’s call to love through evangelization and service.
The Communications Secretariat supports parishes, schools, and departments in sharing their story with all of our neighbors in the archdiocese, and we stand ready to serve you and your communications needs.
Meet the Team:
Paula Gwynn Grant
Angela Parsons
Director of Digital Media
Georgina Wilkinson
Creative Director
Patricia Zapor
Director of Media Relations
Geoffrey Ros
Director of Multimedia Production
Ronald Bethke
Gabrielle Trivelli
Social Media and Design Coordinator
Nathalia Galan
Miguel Guilarte
Parish Support/Hispanic Communication Integration Specialist
Gloria Spencer
Megan Novak
Design Assistant