The Pontifical Mission Societies
Founded in 1822 by Blessed Pauline Marie Jaricot, The Pontifical Mission Societies support the proclamation of the Gospel, the building of the Church, and the work and witness of mission priests, religious, and lay pastoral leaders. These missioners provide food, education, pastoral care, and medical care to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions.
There are four Pontifical Mission Societies. Under the jurisdiction of the Pope, these organizations include the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Society of St. Peter the Apostle, the Missionary Childhood Association and the Missionary Union of Priests and Religious. Each of the Pontifical Mission Societies has its own specific identity and goal. They are united in spirit and intent to promote a generous mission spirit among the people of God. Click here to read more about the four Societies.
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington supports The Pontifical Mission Societies through education, parish outreach, and annual collections, including World Mission Sunday.
Your generous donation directly supports the efforts of Catholic missionaries to provide reinforcements and resources in mission dioceses around the world.
The National Directors of The Pontifical Mission Societies from 130 countries examine and approve the projects presented annually by the Churches in mission territories to ensure funds are allocated promptly, transparently, and with the primary intention of answering the call to be apostles of all nations.
To this end, and according to the latest Vatican report, The Pontifical Mission Societies USA contributed $33,150,230 to the general fund which was distributed throughout the world. More information on financial transparency can be found on The Pontifical Mission Societies’ website.

Blessed Pauline Jaricot: Foundress
- Biography (English | Spanish)
- Prayers (English | Spanish)
- Lessons from her life (English | Spanish)
- Prayer card
- “Heart of a Missionary: The Story of Pauline Jaricot” film
For more information, contact Maeve Gilheney-Gallagher, Global Solidarity Coordinator.