The Church is missionary by its nature. Catholics seeking to understand their baptismal call to mission benefit from opportunities to deepen their faith and missionary vocation. The Office of Missions promotes a universal missionary spirit in the hearts and minds of the people of God through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Society of St. Peter the Apostle, the Missionary Childhood Association and the Missionary Union of Priests and Religious.

How Can You Help?
• Pray daily for the Church’s mission work and invoke the intercession of St. Francis Xavier and St. Thérèse of Lisieux, patrons of mission.
• Give generously during mission collections, including World Mission Sunday.
• Remember the Office of Missions and The Pontifical Mission Societies when writing or changing your will.
• Encourage your school or parish to participate in the Missionary Childhood Association and use their educational materials.

Mass Offered by a Mission Priest
Through Mass intentions and donations, the Office of Missions supports many priests who are either part of a missionary religious order or living in a mission diocese. A mission priest will celebrate Mass for your personal intention or for a friend or family member, living or deceased. A $10 donation is asked for each Mass requested.
To request a Mass for your intention, note on the check’s memo section “Mass Stipend” and send a check, along with your intention, to:
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Office of Missions
P.O. Box 223394
Chantilly, VA 20153-3394

Mission Education Resources
We’ve compiled a list of helpful resources including articles, books, and guides for classroom instruction.
For more information, contact Maeve Gilheney-Gallagher, Global Solidarity Coordinator.