Project Rachel Ministry
Project Rachel is a post-abortion healing ministry sponsored by the Archdiocese of Washington that offers compassionate help to men and women who have experienced emotional and/or spiritual pain after abortion. Our trained staff refers callers to priests specially trained in post-abortion concerns and/or to licensed Catholic/Christian mental health professionals. We help our participants reconcile with God, child, family and themselves.
Location: one-on-one meetings and group healing events take place throughout the Archdiocese of Washington. These exact locations are confidential.
Your calls and e-mails will be held with complete confidentiality.
Día de oración y sanación para mujeres – Entrando en Canaán
Women’s Day of Prayer and Healing – Entering Canaan
If you or a friend are hurting from an abortion, please contact:
Helpline: 301-982-2008
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Project Rachel Ministry
P.O. Box 29260
Washington, DC 20017