News and Press Releases

Statement of Cardinal Wilton Gregory on the Verdict in the Trial of Derek Chauvin

Cardinal Wilton Gregory to Celebrate Holy Week Masses

Cardinal Wilton Gregory and Imam Sayyid M. B. Kashmiri to Engage in Online Dialogue

Archdiocese of Washington statement on funds for archbishop emeritus, Cardinal Donald Wuerl

Statement of Cardinal Wilton Gregory on the Appointment of Monsignor Jerome Feudjio as Bishop of Saint Thomas

More than 800 to Participate In-Person and Virtually in Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion

Full Video ‘Fratelli Tutti: Walking Together in a Divided Nation’ Dialogue Between Cardinal Gregory, Bishop Stowe Now Available Online

Ash Wednesday Begins 40 Days of Penitential Lenten Season; Ash Distribution Different This Year Due to Ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 Vaccine Updates: Vaccine Available to Catholic School Employees and Clergy; Cardinal Gregory Receives Vaccine

Virtual Youth Rally and Mass for Life Celebrates and Promotes Dignity of Life

Declaración del cardenal Wilton Gregory sobre el asalto al Capitolio

Statement of Cardinal Wilton Gregory on the Protests at the U.S. Capitol

Cardinal Gregory to Celebrate Christmas and New Year Masses

Archdiocese of Washington Statement on the New Executive Order in the District of Columbia

Pope Francis Names Washington Auxiliary Bishop Michael W. Fisher Bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo

Vea cuando el Cardenal-Designado Gregory es elevado al Colegio Cardenalicio

Watch as Cardinal-Designate Gregory is Elevated to The College of Cardinals 

New Statement from Cardinal-Designate Wilton D. Gregory on the Vatican “McCarrick” Report

Declaración del Cardenal Designado S. Em. Wilton Gregory sobre el “Informe McCarrick” del Vaticano

Statement from Cardinal-Designate Wilton Gregory on the Vatican “McCarrick Report”