Hospitality, Welcome and Accompaniment

Jesus gave us a mission – to live as missionary disciples and to teach others to do the same. As parishes and parishioners, there is much we can do to provide welcoming environments for those seeking a parish home. Below are some suggestions for providing a warm pastoral welcome to new parishioners and accompaniment to current parishioners.

Parishioners celebrating Africa Day Mass

Personal Communication with a Phone Call

Team up with parish leaders to call every registered family in the parish, active and inactive. Start with those who are new, live alone, are elderly, etc. Phone calls can be used to:

  • Check in on parishioners both physically and spiritually.
  • Welcome and orient new parishioners.
  • Make sure parishioners are included on the parish email list, and are connected to parish social media accounts.
  • Collect prayer intentions to be included at Mass.
  • Pray with parishioners one-on-one over the phone.

Click here for a sample parish phone call script.

Live streaming a Mass on an iPhone.

Online Communication

  • Ensure parishioners are connected with their spiritual family by regularly updating the bulletin, website, and social media accounts as well as sending out a weekly newsletter with parish updates and information. (Example 1, Example 2)
  • Flocknote allows parishes to quickly and easily send emails or texts to the entire parish or to groups in the parish. The Archdiocese provides free Flocknote accounts for ADW parishes. Check with your pastor or parish staff to see if your parish already has an account that your parish ministry can use to communicate. If your ADW parish isn’t using Flocknote yet, click here to get started. For further guidance or to be connected with Flocknote for training on using the platform, visit or email [email protected].
  • Make and share a short video summarizing all the ways Catholics can stay connected virtually with your parish. (Example)

Organize a Parish Prayer Chain (Perpetual Prayer)

  • Invite parishioners to sign up for a prayer slot throughout the day or week to ensure someone from the parish is praying for the community 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Consider using a Google Form for parishioners to sign up for a time slot to pray. (Example)

Parish Livestream

  • Livestream parish liturgies and prayer such as Sunday Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, Adoration, Rosary, Chaplet, Novena, popular piety, etc.
  • Tips on creating a livestream and setting up Facebook Live.

Share a Weekly One Minute Homily Video

Create a short video homily each week to your parishioners and send out via email, Flocknote, social media, or the parish website. (Example 1, Example 2).

Stained glass window

Encourage Online Giving

Encourage parishioners to set up or update their weekly online giving. Share about the need for regular donations, especially when there is a greater need for charitable assistance.

Be sure your parish’s online giving platform is shared in the bulletin (by link or QR code), linked in your Flocknote messages, and prominently shared on the parish website.

If your parish does not yet use online giving, the Secretariat for Development is happy to advise and assist.