Respect Life Month
October is Respect Life Month! During this season, we celebrate the dignity of the human person through education, outreach, and advocacy efforts. This month, we encourage all to celebrate the dignity of life by promoting care for all of God’s creation.
Life Affirming Initiatives in the ADW
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington is committed to helping mothers and families thrive. Our pro-life efforts begin at conception and continue throughout the life of the mother and child.
In addition to many commitments to our wider community, the Archdiocese has recognized the need to live out these values by promoting them in our own schools, parishes, and Central Pastoral Administration offices.
Click here to learn about a few of the ways the archdiocese and its parishes work to defend and support human life from the beginning, and assist and offer care for pregnant women, families, and those in need of healing.
Learn about local life-affirming initiatives
Ways to Get Involved
Crisis Pregnancy Centers
There is a strong network of independent pregnancy centers throughout the Archdiocese that provide pregnancy testing; pro-life counseling; and emotional, material and spiritual support to mothers facing crisis pregnancies. If you encounter a mother in need, please consider referring her to one of these centers to connect her with the resources she needs to support herself and her family.
Gabriel Network and Gabriel Project Cluster of Montgomery County work directly with parishes to foster community supports for mothers in need. Consider becoming an Angel Friend Parish by connecting with one of these organizations!
Project Rachel Ministry
Project Rachel is a post-abortion healing ministry sponsored by the Archdiocese of Washington that offers compassionate help to men and women who have experienced emotional or spiritual pain after abortion. Trained staff refers callers to priests specially trained in post-abortion concerns and to licensed Catholic and Christian mental health professionals.
You can refer a friend or family member to Project Rachel Ministry by sharing the helpline number listed here. Please also consider supporting the work of Project Rachel with a donation!
Support Mothers in Need Through Diaper Drives
A new law ensures that parishes and other non-profit organizations can receive a tax credit of up to $1,000 for donating diapers, certain hygiene products or funds for the items to qualified charities (HB 711). This Respect Life Month, please consider hosting a diaper drive, baby bottle fundraiser, or other event at your parish. This will help to raise awareness while providing much-needed support for moms in your community.
Resources from the USCCB
The USCCB has a wealth of resources available for parishes and individuals to download. Visit their website to explore more resources!
Action Guide
This action guide includes simple steps, sample announcements, activities, and more to help you celebrate Respect Life Month. You are welcome to adapt these resources as needed to fit your specific parish, school, or ministry.
Leaders’ Toolkit
Use these leader toolkits to help celebrate Respect Life Month in your specific area of ministry. Ideas and suggestions are provided for using the resources in a range of settings.
Prayer Card
This prayer card contains a prayer highlighting the Blessed Mother’s example of radical solidarity and seeks her intercession to follow her example. The text of the prayer can be downloaded as a Word document or PNG image file in either English or Spanish.
This Respect Life poster focuses on the call to live out radical solidarity with mothers in need and their children. Jesus said, “As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (Jn 13:34). Living out radical solidarity means putting our love into action.
This brief reflection highlights how we Catholics are called to put our love for others into action, practicing radical solidarity with mothers and their children.
Each image is provided in English and Spanish and can be downloaded directly for use on parish/diocesan websites, in bulletins and newsletters, or in any other way that may be helpful to you in sharing the Gospel of life.
Resources from the Maryland Catholic Conference
The MCC offers resources for fighting against physician-assisted suicide, including a parish toolkit, announcements for bulletins and Flocknote, and graphics for social media.
Resources from Catholic Mobilizing Network
The annual Respect Life Month Toolkit from CMN includes easy-to-use resources designed to assist Catholics as they work toward a culture of life and an end to capital punishment. Divided into sections for education, advocacy, and prayer, the toolkit features helpful resources that can be used in Catholic parishes, dioceses, schools, or at home.
Contact the Office of Life Issues for more information.