News and Press Releases

Red Mass for Supreme Court Justices, Judges and Government Officials

Statement of Cardinal Wuerl on Announcement of Canonization Date for Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II

Three Catholic Schools Receive National Education Honor

Statement of Archdiocese of Washington Regarding its New Complaint Filed Against the “HHS Mandate” on September 20, 2013

Cardinal Wuerl to Celebrate Mass for Consolation and Healing

Statement from Cardinal Wuerl on Navy Yard Shootings

New Report on Catholic Education in the Archdiocese Chronicles Progress over Last Five Years

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Mass for Peace and Justice

Cardinal Wuerl concelebrates Mass for the annual pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Good Health-Vailankanni

Cardinal Wuerl to Celebrate Mass for Peace and Justice on September 7

Cardinal Wuerl to Celebrate Mass, Participate in Prayer Service Commemorating 50th Anniversary of March on Washington

Eight New Principals to Lead Area Catholic Schools This Fall

“DC Padres” set to pitch their vocation on the baseball field

Catholic Schools Start Year with Opening Mass and Awards

Statement from Cardinal Wuerl on Pope Francis’ First Encyclical

Statement from Cardinal Wuerl on the Approval of the Cause for Canonization of Blessed Pope John XXIII and Blessed Pope John Paul II.

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Religious Freedom on Independence Day

Statement of Archdiocese of Washington in Response to the Finalization of the HHS Mandate

Statement of the Archdiocese of Washington on the Supreme Court Rulings Regarding Marriage

Cardinal Wuerl Ordains 25 Permanent Deacons for the Archdiocese of Washington