Holy Week

During Holy Week, Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Washington participate in sacred liturgies remembering the death of Christ and celebrating His resurrection on Easter Sunday. This year, Holy Week liturgies will be streamed online on the Archdiocese of Washington’s YouTube channel.

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March 24 | Palm Sunday: 11:00 am (English); 1:00 pm (Spanish)
March 25 | Chrism Mass: 2:00 pm (English)
March 27 | Liturgy of Tenebrae 7:30 pm (English)
March 28 | Holy Thursday: 5:30 pm (Bilingual)
March 29 | Good Friday: 1:00 pm (English); 4:00 pm (Spanish)
March 30 | Easter Vigil: 8:00 pm (Bilingual)
March 31 | Easter Sunday: 9:00 am (Bilingual) 1:00pm (Spanish)

ASL interpreter provided The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington Office of Deaf and Disabilities Ministry offers a Holy Week and Easter schedule for Masses and Liturgies with American Sign Language Interpretation. Local parishes may also provide ASL interpretation; please contact a local ADW parish of your choosing for more information on what services are available.

Find a parish to visit near you Visit the ADW YouTube Channel

Follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #ADWholyweek!


Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. People filled the streets to watch Jesus ride into the city on a donkey, and threw palms at his feet to celebrate his arrival. They hailed Jesus as a King, but did not know his crown would be of thorns and his Kingdom in heaven.


Wednesday of Holy Week

Wednesday of Holy Week is the final day of Lent, and a day to prepare ourselves to walk with Jesus through the Triduum, the three holiest days of the year. We recall on this day that Judas made a secret plan to hand Jesus over for 30 pieces of silver.


Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday is the day Jesus gathered with his disciples before he died to wash their feet and institute the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Holy Thursday is the first day of the Triduum.


Good Friday

Good Friday commemorates the Passion of Christ. On this day, Jesus was denied by his friends and handed over to die. At the three o’clock hour today, we honor Christ’s death with prayer and silence. Today is called ‘good’ because we know this is not the end of the story.


Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday is a day of waiting. After Jesus died on Friday, the disciples were scared and went to hide in an Upper Room together, for fear of death. We wait with the Apostles in the Upper Room, as the body of Jesus lies in the tomb. Today is a day for silence and prayer as we wait for Jesus to return to us.


Easter Sunday

Today, we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and his victory over sin and death! After a long season of Lent, we celebrate that Christ is alive. The Resurrection of Jesus gives us hope for our own share in His Resurrection at the end of our life. Christ is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia!