Respect Life Month
October is Respect Life Month! During this season, we celebrate the dignity of the human person through education, outreach, and advocacy efforts. This month, we encourage all to celebrate the dignity of life by promoting care for all of God’s creation.
Catholics are called to protect the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
Life Affirming Initiatives in the ADW
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington is committed to helping mothers and families thrive. Our pro-life efforts begin at conception and continue throughout the life of the mother and child.
In addition to many commitments to our wider community, the Archdiocese has recognized the need to live out these values by promoting them in our own schools, parishes, and Central Pastoral Administration offices.
Click here to learn about a few of the ways the archdiocese and its parishes work to defend and support human life from the beginning, and assist and offer care for pregnant women, families, and those in need of healing.
Learn about local life-affirming initiatives
Youth Ministry
The Catholic Youth Organization and Youth Ministry serves children, adolescents and young adults. The organization seeks to foster the personal and spiritual growth of young people in such a way that they will be able to confront the real challenges and sorrows of human life and develop their talents in service of their family, parish and neighborhood.
End of Life Care
Care for the sick at the end of life is a core teaching of the Catholic Church, and a corporal work of mercy. The Office of Life Issues provides resources to help you navigate some of the different traditions and options for end-of-life-care, funeral planning, and the grieving process:
Resources from the USCCB
The USCCB has a wealth of resources available for parishes and individuals to download. Visit their website to explore more resources!
Action Guide
This action guide includes simple steps, sample announcements, activities, and more to help you celebrate Respect Life Month. You are welcome to adapt these resources as needed to fit your specific parish, school, or ministry.
Leaders’ Toolkit
Use these leader toolkits to help celebrate Respect Life Month in your specific area of ministry. Ideas and suggestions are provided for using the resources in a range of settings.
Prayer Card
This prayer invokes the power of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to help us defend the gift of human life at all stages. It is available as a prayer card featuring Jesus’ message in John 10:10, “I came so that they might have life.”
The 2024 Respect Life poster features the Eucharist and Jesus’ message in John 10:10, “I came so that they might have life.” The placement of “Respect Life” beneath the verse conveys that Jesus’ message and our response to it inherently include respect for human life. The design also reflects the importance of grounding efforts on behalf of life in the Eucharist.
“I came so that they might have life.”
This short reflection unpacks the Eucharistic theme, highlighting how Catholics are called to be lights in the darkness.
Images are provided in a variety of formats and dimensions and can be downloaded directly for use on parish/diocesan websites and in bulletins and newsletters. (Guidelines)
Homily Connections
Homily connections are provided for the lectionary readings for each Sunday in October. Bullet points help homilists to weave the Gospel of Life into their message in a compelling way.
Word of Life
Word of Life is a monthly resource for dioceses and parishes that includes special features, intercessions for life, bulletin quotes, bulletin art, and more. The October edition features resources for Respect Life Month.
Resources from the Maryland Catholic Conference
The MCC offers resources for fighting against physician-assisted suicide, including a parish toolkit, announcements for bulletins and Flocknote, and graphics for social media.
Resources from Catholic Mobilizing Network
The annual Respect Life Month Toolkit from CMN includes easy-to-use resources designed to assist Catholics as they work toward a culture of life and an end to capital punishment. Divided into sections for education, advocacy, and prayer, the toolkit features helpful resources that can be used in Catholic parishes, dioceses, schools, or at home.
Contact The Office of Life Issues or more information.