Statement of the Archdiocese of Washington Regarding the Newman Center on the Campus of the George Washington University

April 05, 2013

Fr. Greg Shaffer, chaplain at the Newman Center on the campus of the George Washington University, shares the teachings of the Catholic Church in a welcoming and joyful manner. His ministry is a vital component of the vibrant faith community on campus.

Priests have a special responsibility to lead by preaching and teaching the Gospel, administering the sacraments, providing spiritual guidance and promoting the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of the people. All of this is done in the context of the circumstances of our day and modern culture. Priests also recognize that many of the teachings of the Catholic Church, especially those in modern culture that involve human sexuality, including homosexuality, are countercultural.

Despite the current cultural beliefs about homosexuality and same sex marriage, the teaching of the Catholic Church remains unchanged. Priests will continue to teach and counsel that following the ways of the Catholic Church and living our life in the way that Jesus Christ taught us is not always easy. We strive to do our best to live by God’s commandments. We announce that from the pulpit and we try to meet people where they are and walk with them on life’s journey. The Catholic Church welcomes everyone. The teachings, however, are not tailored to an individual’s personal beliefs. Thus, priests have a commitment to educate people in the truths of our faith, regardless of the current cultural trend.

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