News and Press Releases

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Cardinal Wuerl Marks Good Friday

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Founding of Priesthood, Blesses Oils to Be Used in Sacraments

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Palm Sunday Mass, Marking the Start of Holy Week

Archdiocese of Washington Files Reply to Government Response with U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington, et al. v. Kathleen Sebelius, et al.

Archdiocese of Washington Statement on Today’s Supreme Court Action

Archdiocese of Washington Launches CapitalCatholic App

Rose Mass Honors Local Health Care Providers

Archdiocese of Washington Expresses Support for Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods in Cases against HHS Mandate

Archdiocese of Washington Launches Newly-Designed Website

Statement of Cardinal Donald Wuerl on the Death of Sister Bernadette Glodek

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day Mass

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Mass Marking First Anniversary of Election of Pope Francis

Statement of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, On the Announcement of the Bipartisan Invitation to Pope Francis to Address a Joint Session of Congress

“The Light Is ON” Lenten Campaign Encourages Catholics to Go to Confession

Cardinal Wuerl Welcomes Over 1,300 Prepared to Enter into Full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter

Cardinal Wuerl Marks the First Day of Lent

Cardinal Wuerl Dedicates New Wing at Blessed John Paul II Seminary

Youth Rally and Mass for Life 2014 -Text of Homily from the D.C. Armory Mass

Youth Rally and Mass for Life 2014 – Text of Homily from the Verizon Center Mass