News and Press Releases

At Easter Masses, Cardinal Wuerl Reflects on the Joy of the Resurrection

“Good Friday brings each one of us to stand at the foot of the cross,” says Cardinal Wuerl in Good Friday Liturgy

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Founding of Priesthood, Blesses Oils to Be Used in Sacraments

Cardinal Wuerl Marks the Start of Holy Week with Palm Sunday Mass

Archdiocesan Women’s Conference

Cardinal Wuerl on the Dedication of Monseñor Romero Building in Washington’s Mount Pleasant Neighborhood

Pope Francis Names Vice President of Mission for Catholic Charities of Archdiocese of Washington as an Auxiliary Bishop of Washington

Religious Freedom at Stake

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Mass for Archdiocesan Child Protection Compliance Coordinators

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day Mass

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Mass for Archdiocesan Faith, Deafness and Disabilities Conference

Rose Mass honors six local health care providers who have donated thousands of hours to those in need

Cardinal Wuerl Dedicates New Altar and Blesses Stained Glass Windows at a Maryland Parish

Statement of Cardinal Donald Wuerl on the Death of Cardinal Edward Egan, Archbishop Emeritus of New York

Cardinal Wuerl Celebrates Candlelit Evening of Prayer in Downtown Washington

Cardinal Wuerl Welcomes Over 1,300 Prepared to Enter Into Full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter

Cardinal Wuerl Marks the First Day of Lent

Coalition Calls on U.S. Congress to Stand Up for Religious Freedom in the Nation’s Capital

Statement of the Archdiocese of Washington on the Announcement of Pope Francis’ Planned Address to a Joint Meeting of U.S. Congress