ADW Hospital Questionnaire for Pastors ADW Hospital Questionnaire for Pastors Name* First Last Parish* Deanery* Are there healthcare facilities within your parish boundaries?*e.g. hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living centers, etc. Yes No Please list ALL the various health care facilities in your parish boundaries and what pastoral ministry is providede.g. "Doctors Hospital, weekly parish rotation in the deanery" OR "Morningstar Assisted Living, Weekly Mass"Who, besides the pastor, provides ministry to the sick?e.g. dedicated hospital chaplain, deacons, EMHC, etc.Are there assigned Catholic chaplains at facilities in your parish boundary Yes No If yes, are the chaplains appointed by the Archdiocese or Hospital? Appointed by the Archdiocese Appointed by the Hospital Unsure How can the Central Pastoral Administration better support your ministry to the sick in your parish boundaries?* ← Back to Calendar