Michael Thomasian Awarded Archdiocese of Washington’s 2017 Distinguished Principal of the Year Award
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Archdiocese of Washington has named Michael Thomasian as Distinguished Principal of the Year for 2017. Thomasian is the principal of St. Anthony Catholic School in Washington. The Distinguished Principal recognition is given annually by the archdiocese to the principal who demonstrates accomplishment in six categories: balancing management and leadership roles; setting high expectations and standards; stressing content and instruction that ensures student achievement; creating a culture of professional development for teachers; using multiple tools to apply and assess instructional improvements; and actively engaging the school community.
Thomasian accepted the honor from Dr. Jem Sullivan, secretary for Catholic education for the archdiocese, during a special surprise assembly held this morning at the school located in northeast Washington. A Boston native, Thomasian began his career at St. Anthony Catholic School in 2000 after graduating from Assumption College with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and education. He taught both elementary and middle school classes before serving as the assistant principal, prior to becoming principal. Thomasian holds master’s degrees from Trinity University (Teaching) and the University of Notre Dame (Educational Leadership). He is a parishioner at St. Anthony’s Church, and resides nearby in the Brookland neighborhood with his wife and four children.