Annual Catholic Services Appeal FAQs
Thank you for considering support for the Annual Catholic Services Appeal! Below are answers to frequently asked questions about the 2025 Annual Catholic Services Appeal.
Why should I donate to the Annual Catholic Services Appeal when I can support individual Catholic ministries?
As Catholics, we are united in our faith, the sacraments and the good works of the Church. The Annual Catholic Services Appeal is a way to support critical services and ministries of the Church in an effective and meaningful way, and to support ministries larger than any particular parish or agency. Further, there are many ministries supported by the Annual Catholic Services Appeal that do not have a means to receive support from direct charitable donations.
Is any support for the Annual Catholic Services Appeal used for legal fees or settlements related to the clergy abuse crisis?
No. The Annual Catholic Services Appeal funds are restricted to support only the mission and ministries outlined in the case for support. Funds received for the Annual Catholic Services Appeal are not used for any other purpose, including legal fees and/or settlements that the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington may incur. Additionally, the Archdiocese continues to insist that any allegation of abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult be reported to the police and other government agencies that deal with child abuse or elder abuse as well as to our Office for Child and Youth Protection and Safe Environment.
What is the cost to conduct the Annual Catholic Services Appeal each year?
The annual cost for outreach, gift and data processing, pledge reminders, gift acknowledgments, and other correspondence relating to the Annual Catholic Services Appeal is seven (7) cents per dollar raised. The Archdiocese of Washington pays this cost from other revenue sources, so that 100% of donations support the ministries of the Annual Catholic Services Appeal.
Where can I find key financials on The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, such as independent audits and IRS forms?
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington is independently audited and produces a financial report each year. Click here to view archdiocesan financial reports. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has procedures in place for people to report financial or any other misconduct in one of our parishes, schools or ministries, using EthicsPoint, an independent reporting service.
Are there other ways to contribute beyond writing a check or giving through my credit card?
Yes! We gratefully accept gifts from:
• Publicly-traded stocks, bonds and mutual funds
• Traditional IRA transfers (must be 70 ½ or older)
• Donor-advised funds and private foundations
• Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Our legal name is “Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington” and our CFC number is 71625.
Visit Ways to Give to learn more.
Contact us:
[email protected]